How To

How To | Publish or Perish
Agent Provocateur: Finding Representation for Your Book

How to find an agent? Try cocaine and yelling. JK

Jul 12, 2017
How To | Shop Talk
The Long Haul: What Creative People Can Learn from Diana Nyad, Tommy Caldwell, and Frigate Birds

Can writing change the shape of our organs? Do brains warp into book-making shape?

Jun 29, 2017
How To | Shop Talk
Deal or No Deal: Why Being a Literary Agent Doesn’t Make It Easier to Write a Book

To all the wonderful would-be authors out there: Do as I say, not as I do.

Jun 27, 2017
How To | Growing Faith
Fasting With Children

“Fasting has been a source of comfort, a way to become closer to God. All that changed when I had children.”

How To | Publish or Perish
Pitching and Moaning: A Guide to Submitting Your Writing

How to get a story or essay published if you’re not James Franco.

Jun 15, 2017
How To | End It Now?
When You Hate the Job You’re Supposed to Love

“Jobs are insidiously hard to compartmentalize. So is dying inside.”

How To | Growing Faith
Teaching Our Children How to Mourn

“We teach each other the prayer so that when someone dies, we are ready to fulfill our obligations.”

How To | Publish or Perish
Four “Types” of Creative Writing “Careers”

Traditional, stealth mode, performing, or freelance: which approach to a writing career is for you?

May 24, 2017
How To | Origin Story
How to Write Iranian-America, or The Last Essay

“The essay will feel like it’s killing you and the ending will not be what you thought it might be.”

May 18, 2017
How To | Resist
I’m a Person—Not a Pre-Existing Condition

“The worst days I’ve ever known could be my future under the American Health Care Act.”

May 15, 2017