How To | End It Now?

When You Hate the Job You’re Supposed to Love

“Jobs are insidiously hard to compartmentalize. So is dying inside.”

Welcome to End It Now?, a narrative advice column. In each installment, Alissa Nutting and Dean Bakopoulos will address a question from a reader who is thinking about quitting something: a relationship, a job, a habit, a project. Dean and Alissa will respond with stories from their lives and the lives of others, and then deliver a verdict: Should the letter-writer end it now, or not so much, and why?


Dear Alissa and Dean,

I’m a book publicist who loves books but hates being a publicist. I’ve been at my job for several years and think about quitting every day. The problem is, I think I’m pretty good at my job. Also, I really like my coworkers; I like my schedule; I like my job security. But although we publish a good book here and there, we also put out a lot of trash, and every time I have to send a pleading email to a respected journalist, I die a little bit inside.

In a perfect world, I’d quit my job to write. But I’m pretty sure that’s what everyone would do in a perfect world.

The way I see it, I have two options: stay and accept my fate of forever sending emails nine to five, or quit and face the frightening unknown of starting over. What do I do?


A Publicist in Distress

it’s not you; it’s meshouldWhat’s wrong with me for not being able to make this good thing work?

Have a question for Alissa and Dean? Email us at with subject header END IT NOW? Please specify in the body of your email if you’d like to remain anonymous.

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