Publish or Perish

On Writing | Publish or Perish
Every Day is a Writing Day, With or Without an MFA

There are far more writers ringing up your groceries, writers pulling your daily espresso shot, writers in the laundries of hotels and security tagging jeans at the mall and filling your prescriptions and pouring your beer into a clean cold glass.

Nov 27, 2018
Nonfiction | Publish or Perish
Why are you writing?

A sense of reassurance

Jun 1, 2018
Nonfiction | Publish or Perish
5 Marketing Strategies and Online Tools for Self Published Authors

This post is intended to authors who are in the middle of writing their new book or for the newbies who want to publish their first book.

Dec 9, 2017
How To | Publish or Perish
Agent Provocateur: Finding Representation for Your Book

How to find an agent? Try cocaine and yelling. JK

Jul 12, 2017
How To | Publish or Perish
Pitching and Moaning: A Guide to Submitting Your Writing

How to get a story or essay published if you’re not James Franco.

Jun 15, 2017
How To | Publish or Perish
Four “Types” of Creative Writing “Careers”

Traditional, stealth mode, performing, or freelance: which approach to a writing career is for you?

May 24, 2017