How To | Publish or Perish

Agent Provocateur: Finding Representation for Your Book

How to find an agent? Try cocaine and yelling. JK

InPublish or Perish,Tony Tulathimutte dispenses subjective, unsolicited, and frankly sort of aggro advice on the practical aspects of a building a writing career.

When the final draft of your book manuscript is finished and sitting there on your desk covered in blood and placenta, it’s time to start looking for an agent.



submissions spreadsheetPoets & WritersdatabaseThe Wylie AgencyInternational Creative ManagementWilliam Morris EndeavorGeorges BorchardtAevitasTridentCurtis BrownMcCormick LiteraryMassie & McQuilkinDavid Black AgencyHill NadellFoundrySterling Lord LiteristicFletcher & CompanyWriters HouseThe Gernert CompanyThe Book GroupJanklow & Nesbit

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That doesn’t happenfor free

brilliantsensationalsix-foot-fourswimmer’s build

Private Citizens

AGNI, Threepenny Review, The New Yorker , Michigan Quarterly Review, The American Reader, Malahat Review

Tony Tulathimutte


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Publish or Perish