How To

How To | Growing Faith
How to Mark a Child’s Religious Milestones

Shoshana and Saadia discuss milestones and coming-of-age ceremonies in their respective faith traditions.

How To | Resist
Sometimes I Want to March

Despite hopes that writing is enough to cope with reality, to admit we should do something other than writing was liberating.

Oct 24, 2017
How To | End It Now?
Can I Be Happy With My Male Partner When I Dream About Dating a Creative, Intellectual Woman?

Deep fantasies aren’t fantasy at all. They can reveal who we actually are.

How To | Figures
The Story I Can’t Write About My Family

In fiction, one needs motivations, wants, and fears; one needs cause and effect. In life, it’s messier.

Sep 14, 2017
How To | Source Notes
How Watching Movies Helped Me Write a Book About Music

What I wanted to say about Arcade Fire’s “The Suburbs” has everything to do with the movies and TV series I love.

Sep 8, 2017
How To | Shop Talk
How to Coauthor a Book and Stay Good Friends

“You should absolutely burn a penis candle before doing anything important.”

How To | Resist
The Invisibles: American Polarization and the Reality Gap

“The fracturing of our political reality is a wound a long time in the making.”

Aug 16, 2017
How To | Figures
Why I Cannot Write About My Father

“There is no word that explains how girls love absent fathers.”

Jul 26, 2017
How To | Resist
You’ll Feel a Pinch: An Attempt to Get Birth Control to Outlast a Presidency

“Taking care of our bodies is a privilege when it should be a right.”

Jul 13, 2017