End It Now?

Nonfiction | End It Now?
You can do this!

I love being busy. I love a drama. I get bored easily. However, I also used to get very stressed easily and panicked and overwhelmed with the juggling of balls. Then my energy and my vibrations got negative and as I emanated negativity out so the negativity came back to me. As a consequence that […]

Jan 14, 2018
How To | End It Now?
Can I Be Happy With My Male Partner When I Dream About Dating a Creative, Intellectual Woman?

Deep fantasies aren’t fantasy at all. They can reveal who we actually are.

How To | End It Now?
When You Hate the Job You’re Supposed to Love

“Jobs are insidiously hard to compartmentalize. So is dying inside.”

How To | End It Now?
When Depression Is the Third In Your Relationship

Helium balloons, magic robot fairies, and dangerous myths about love.

How To | End It Now?
A Case of Picnic Anxiety

Introducing End It Now?, an advice column. Question 1: What to do about nervous tics?