
Family | Health | Parenting
How I’ve Changed as a Parent in the Wake of My Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis

On the heels of my diagnosis, I feel there is no way to construct a narrative around what’s happening to me—a deep betrayal for a writer.

Sep 23, 2019
Arts & Culture | Health | Style
Wearing Wigs Gave Me Freedom From the Shame of Mental Illness

And then there were the wigs: exercises in risk-taking, rejections of my boring and shame-consumed past self.

Sep 5, 2019
People | Health | Bodies
What to Expect When You Didn’t Expect a Preemie

After you have a preemie, but before you get to take your baby home, the world keeps going without you. It’s shocking, honestly, how much the world keeps going.

Jun 6, 2019
People | Health | Diagnosis
Taking Charge of My Story as a Cancer Patient at the Hospital Where I Work

Being an “interesting” patient who also happened to be a trainee made me a morbid little celebrity.

May 21, 2019
People | Health | Bodies
A History of Premature Births, Including My Own

Dr. Couney settled in the United States in 1903, when he began exhibiting incubator babies on Coney Island every summer. “Infant Incubators With Living Babies,” the sign above the building read.

Apr 3, 2019
Places | Health | Tourism
The Medi-morphosis: Being Treated Like a Human Under Socialized Health Care

In France, universal (or socialized) health care is half-NASA, half-MacGyver. And it works. I have to suspect the main objection to adopting the best healthcare system on the planet is just that it’s French.

Family | Health | Parenting
The Greatest Challenge of Raising an Autistic Child as an Autistic Parent? The Ableist World We Live In

Being disabled means hundreds of thousands of people believe they always know better than you do.

Dec 5, 2018
Family | Health | Parenting
Love in the Time of Measles

“In the emergency room, my instincts exploded from protective to full-blown primal. And it felt like love.”

Jun 20, 2017