
People | Health | Bodies
Digital Distortions: Reflections on Zoom and Body Dysmorphia

We’ve spent quarantine in faulty mirrors, sparking negative feedback loops.

Jun 29, 2021
Columns | Health | Focus Group Archives
In America, There’s No Such Thing as Pure Water

If anyone knows how to create a narrative in response to ecological misfortune, it’s the bottled-water industry.

May 20, 2021
People | Health | Bodies
Inheriting an Autoimmune Disease and an Instinct for Survival

Science provides me with a vocabulary of illness, confirming what my body already knows: that it will never be the same

May 10, 2021
How To | Health | Resist
Staying Sober Through 2020

On January 6, 2021, I was 1,328 days sober. As domestic terrorists attempted a coup on the United States government, my heart broke for anyone on Day 6 of sobriety.

May 10, 2021
People | Health | Bodies
Proof of Mountain

On a long-sought diagnosis, chronic pain, and a trek to Everest Base Camp.

Dec 15, 2020
People | Health | Bodies
On Sharks, Sickness, and Swimming Anyway

Nora Feely on cancer, facing her fears by naming them, and navigating a world filled with sharks

Oct 7, 2020
Arts & Culture | Health | Queer Life
Herbal Hormone Supplements Can Change the Meaning of Trans Embodiment

Estrogen and testosterone have historically been deployed to produce gender compliant citizens. What if, instead, they were agents of autonomy?

Sep 15, 2020
People | Health | Relationships
On OCD, My Mother, and the Ways I Learned to Let Go

It goes like this: sit with the thought, don’t move your fingers, arms, legs, let it enter you, let it stay, let it leave.

Jan 16, 2020
People | Health | Ritual
How My Fear of Loss Became a Fear of Fire

On some level, we all know: Everyone who is etched into our being will one day vanish.

Jan 13, 2020
Arts & Culture | Health | Movies
Finding My Mother—and Me—in the Women of ‘Girl, Interrupted’

Living with mental illness is a constant cycle of wellness and illness, and each recovery is impermanent.

Oct 3, 2019