Arts & Culture

Arts & Culture | Queer Life
Patti Smith Defined Cool in Lesbian Bars of the ’80s

I pinballed between circles of lesbians but settled nowhere. Gorgeous women were everywhere but always out of reach in San Francisco’s mesmerizing haze.

May 26, 2022
Arts & Culture | Music
Thirty Years After ‘Little Earthquakes,’ I’m Finally Ready for Tori Amos

With reproductive rights under threat in the US, I returned to an artist unafraid of telling her truth.

May 25, 2022
Arts & Culture | Food
How Lunchbox TikTok Is Healing My Relationship With Food

Lunch-packing videos have shown me that, regardless of your age or your body size or how big of a breakfast you had, we all deserve to eat.

May 18, 2022
Arts & Culture | Queer Life
On Running Shirtless While Trans

Maybe I was tired of hiding and being afraid. Maybe I was just overheating and my nipples were starting to chafe. Maybe it was all or none of the above.

May 10, 2022
People | Arts & Culture | Losing My Religion
Finding Salvation in Death Cab for Cutie

I needed her to tell me that it was okay to doubt, to yearn, for the lyrics in our headphones to mean something sacred—with or without God.

May 5, 2022
Arts & Culture | Queer Life
It’s More Than Just “Two Boys Kissing”

David Wojnarowicz captured the chaos of living as a gay man in the 1980s and early 1990s with HIV overshadowing everything we did and felt.

May 2, 2022
People | Arts & Culture | Relationships
For Queer Girls, Simping Is a Love Language

I’m embracing the label, with all its yearning, try-hard connotations, because desire shouldn’t be embarrassing and love does require trying hard.

May 2, 2022
People | Arts & Culture | Music
Can We Dance as the World Falls Apart?

When Russia invaded Ukraine at the end of February, I found myself asking: What pleasures are permissible during wartime?

Apr 19, 2022
People | Arts & Culture | Bodies
Little Girls Get to Be Ingénues—What About Big Girls?

Make me thin, I told God. Make me pretty. I added to the list: Make me Annie.

Apr 11, 2022
Columns | Arts & Culture | Superhero Girlfriends Anonymous
What ‘Fast & Furious’ Can Teach Us About Women Who Reclaim Their Power

Letty Ortiz reflects back the best of our hero’s characteristics with fewer of the hang-ups.

Apr 7, 2022