Arts & Culture

Arts & Culture | Movies
Horror Films Understand the Terror of Pregnancy

We are told we will forget the pain, as though all the trauma of childbirth evaporates from our minds. But it did not for me.

Aug 8, 2022
Arts & Culture | Queer Life
How Perfume Gives Me Peace in My Genderfluidity

There is no opposite to reconcile. I’ve been both bride and groom, loved and lived as both, since both lived in me.

Aug 4, 2022
Arts & Culture | Style
The Enduring Myth of the It Girl

The mystique behind icons like Kim Kardashian and Marilyn Monroe comes from the parts of American culture we prefer not to look at too closely.

Aug 3, 2022
Arts & Culture | Television
According to ‘Finding Magic Mike,’ Feeling Sexy Is a State of Mind

To perform is to literally be seen, to expose yourself willingly. It’s much less scary with people who have your back.

Aug 2, 2022
Arts & Culture | Television
Pop Culture’s Problem with Middle-Aged Women

Women of a certain age are still largely invisible and left out of our narratives—or else, she’s a very particular type of middle-aged woman.

Jul 28, 2022
Arts & Culture | Music
Shakira’s Crossover into American Music Taught Me to Reject My Latinx Roots—Then Reclaim Them

The arc of my journey with Shakira traces a path from veneration to rejection to reembrace.

Jul 26, 2022
Family | Arts & Culture | Television
David Attenborough Helps Me Explain the Climate Crisis to My Son

I use his favorite David Attenborough shows to help me explain my climate activism

Jul 25, 2022
People | Arts & Culture | Food
The Tortilla Type of Hurt, How One Broke My Heart

What I didn’t say was how much of home each of those packs brought with them.

Jul 21, 2022
Arts & Culture | Television
Lessons in Fashion and Fatness from ‘Absolutely Fabulous’

Absolutely Fabulous celebrated outlandish women behaving badly, usually in outlandish, high-end clothes.

Jul 20, 2022