Estrogen and testosterone have historically been deployed to produce gender compliant citizens. What if, instead, they were agents of autonomy?
This was about protecting the new self growing its delicate way within me.
Reflecting on my personal work history, I’ve learned that searching for a job I love has often kept me from balance in my creative life.
It’s about being able to say, oh, gender? It’s no big deal. I just threw this gender on today.
The Outsiders’ world was the one in which I wanted to belong.
For all the meaningful internal changes I’d made since coming out, the city and space and circles I occupied were keeping me tethered.
It both thrills me to watch myself as others might watch me in the world, and instills in me a deep loneliness—a grief that reminds me I am so helplessly stuck inside of myself.
In the water, what you are called can change. And words, like water, will dissolve.
“It was this Islam, the Islam of authenticity, community, justice, and love, that showed me how to be a truer version of myself.”
As euphoric as my queer epiphany felt, I’d had it as my mother lay sick. It felt like I was reentering the world as my mother was leaving it.