
People | Family | Relationships
Do Not Marry a Politician and Other Kitchen Table Things

I’ve long been taught that the appearance of a good marriage, not a good marriage necessarily, is the ultimate goal.

Jun 29, 2020
People | Relationships
Montana Boys

We were all looking for the exceptions; all of us. Our conversations about white people had by now become banal.

Jun 10, 2020
People | Relationships
Scabies Taught Me Social Distancing Doesn’t Mean Disconnection

I wasn’t alone in this experience that had made me feel so isolated, so removed from everyone.

May 21, 2020
People | Arts & Culture | Relationships
After Divorce at Twenty-Four, Lizzo Taught Me to Love Myself Again

“Juice” had the type of lyrics that forced me out of my solitude, whether I wanted to be out of it or not.

Feb 6, 2020
People | Relationships
What I Learned By Wearing My Mother’s Clothes

Sharing clothes feels like sharing a secret, the same way being someone’s child does.

Jan 17, 2020
People | Health | Relationships
On OCD, My Mother, and the Ways I Learned to Let Go

It goes like this: sit with the thought, don’t move your fingers, arms, legs, let it enter you, let it stay, let it leave.

Jan 16, 2020
People | Family | Relationships
Finding My Freedom Within Marriage and Motherhood

Navigating the burdens of expectation as a married woman in Nigeria

Jul 23, 2019
People | Relationships
How Human Kindness Helps Us Weather the Storms

Natural disasters have a terrible way of reminding us of our capacity for kindness, acting like a yardstick for our collective empathy or apathy.

Dec 19, 2018
People | Relationships
The Distinct Anxiety of Interracial Dating

“The reality is that training wheels aren’t meant to last. They exist to be discarded after use.”

Nov 2, 2018
People | Relationships
Working Through the Constipations of Marriage

Beyond love and compatibility, you have to commit to getting through all the joys and struggles that happen . . . enema-rriage.

Sep 27, 2018