
People | Relationships
How My Hometown Homie Makes Me Feel Beautiful

In any serious picture of me, I am not comfortable enough to look directly into the lens. I don’t know if I will ever be.

Aug 12, 2021
People | Relationships
A Gay Gaye Holud for Two Bengali Brides

Promiti Islam on queerness, Bengali-American identity, and the complexities of family acceptance,

May 27, 2021
People | Relationships
The Silence of My White Friends After Atlanta

I wondered: Who was I when I first formed this friendship?

May 20, 2021
People | Relationships
Sending My Son Out of America to Save Us Both

I didn’t want it to make sense—to send my children away for who knows how long—but I did need them to survive. I needed to survive.

May 19, 2021
People | Relationships
Every Immigrant Is in a Long-Distance Relationship

Distance, though it may be physically distancing, need not make a couple grow distant.

May 13, 2021
People | Relationships
Moving Past Silence as One Relationship Ends and Another Begins

For a decade I’d tricked myself into believing I was happily married, never thinking there could come a time when the trick no longer worked.

May 12, 2021
People | Relationships
Breakdancing Shaped Who I Am As a Black Man and Father

I discovered breakdancing in that VHS time capsule, and that was as close as I’d ever get to a culture that did not exist where I lived.

Apr 19, 2021
People | Relationships
Grieving When You Can’t Gather

Nora Feely on loss during the pandemic, chosen families, and the small but devastating things 2020 took away.

Apr 13, 2021
People | Family | Relationships
Kindness Makes Us Neighbors

I know my neighbors now a little bit better than before.

Mar 10, 2021
People | Family | Relationships
How to Build a Life with Your Chosen Family

I was already in love with all my friends. But in my newfound singleness, I was falling in love with them more deeply.

Aug 6, 2020