In that sense, we’re still haunted.
When we moved out of our house, I wondered: How much of our presence is still there? How much do we haunt the place?
In other words, the suburbs are equated with whiteness because they were designed to be.
In our constrained culture where public, raw grief is not socially acceptable, I fear that grief stories are being asked to do too much.
Will it challenge how they feel about the kingdom? The nationalistic pride of what it means to be Thai?
Look closely and you see something that has been left behind, mourned, and reassembled from new parts.
My father has been gone for so long now. There’s nothing for me to escape anymore. I read his book to try to believe him again.
My mother’s body, one in a million, became a conduit for lightning, and, three months later, it became a conduit for me.
Naturally, the first person I wrote about was my mother.