When I hired a financial coach, I wasn’t expecting to fall down a rabbit hole of mantras, manifesting, and magical thinking.
With this person, I wondered, could I be my full self—queer, spiritual, and religious?
I try to use my master’s thesis as a way to find myself in women’s writing—the mystics, Flannery—but, ultimately, I fail.
My earlier, naïve idea of Catholicism was shaped by an elevation of the priesthood. I did not see the sacramental worth in love, family, everyday life.
“The day I confessed to being a witch I had no idea what I was doing.”
Eddy’s lifetime of illness, and her encounters with medical therapies, poised her as an instrument of revelation.
Creators of new decks seek to address the need for representative and culturally specific tarot.
“When the missionaries came with their Good News, they also declared that what we’d had before was bad.”
“Age 13: I watch the opening of ‘Garden State’ and hear the only prayer I know and truly believe that Zach Braff gets me.”
The night of the spiritualist messaging service was the beginning of the end of my marriage.