
Things | Heirloom
An Ode to the Kamenoko Tawashi, the Turtle Brush

Natural, natural, everything natural. I’m a sucker for it, Shinto-ish environmentalist and object-worshipper that I am.

Jan 4, 2021
Things | Arts & Culture | Food
My Bicultural Comfort Food is the Spicy McChicken Sandwich

Both the sandwich and I were ‘made in China’ but with an undeniable Americanness.

Dec 9, 2020
Things | Borrowed
I Hate This Peloton That I Love, or I Love This Peloton That I Hate

Everything I do is done behind a desk. And now, now? Now I can even use this Peloton. I don’t even need to run in the rain.

Dec 8, 2020
People | Things | Kept
Las Cosas, Cosas Son: The Things We Give Up to Be Here

At detention centers, these prized possessions go straight into the trash. A devastating omen for the way immigrants are treated in this country.

Nov 16, 2020
Things | Arts & Culture | Technophilia
The Secret Land of Horses

There are horse girls and there are Internet horse girls.

Jul 14, 2020
Things | Arts & Culture | Technophilia
Building a Home Used to Be Easy—Especially in ‘The Sims’

To me, these never felt like steps to sprint through on the way to simulating life, but life itself.

Jul 2, 2020
Things | Arts & Culture | Technophilia
You Can Do Anything in Animal Crossing Except Escape Productivity Dread

As cliché as it’s become to say, I found myself needing this game in a way I could have never accounted for, even with all my years of fanboying.

Apr 23, 2020
Things | Edible
Why I Love Terrible Kosher Pizza, and Other Mysteries of My Jewish Life

I am no gentile, but a Jew, with chill Jewish parents, who loves the pepper-and-onion slice at Alfie’s.

Feb 5, 2020
People | Things | Ritual
Finding My Inner Piece: How Puzzles Ease My Anxiety

It’s very calming, very methodical, very good if, say, someone you love has died, but you know the world cannot stop, and you can’t either.

Nov 13, 2019
Things | What We Wear
For Sale: Wedding Dress, Worn Once

There’s an irritating coyness to the language around wedding expenses: they’re not expenses at all, they’re “investments.”

May 13, 2019