
Things | Curiosities
The Tiger in Harlem Who Helped Me Heal

All the buildings I walked by each day and thought nothing about now seemed like they contained the answers to questions it hadn’t occurred to me to ask.

Feb 26, 2019
Things | Edible
Why I Turned to Candy-Making as My Family Fell Apart

If I was in the kitchen making candy, usually my mom wasn’t in there screaming or throwing a butter dish at my dad.

Dec 5, 2018
Things | Borrowed
Should We Stop Using the Word ‘Pariah’?

What do we do with language that is steeped in colonial history?

Aug 14, 2018
Things | What We Wear
“A Modern, Up-to-Date Young Woman”: Shopping, Fashion, and the Rules of My Girlhood

All the fashion rules I learned as a girl were informed by the view that women’s bodies are never okay as they are—they always need fixing.

Jul 26, 2018
Things | Curiosities
Take You Me For a Sponge?: How My Marriage Survived Illness and Caregiving

Sea sponges lack heart, lungs, and the ability to move. They perform their ancient tasks because they must.

Jun 6, 2018
Things | Edible
Flour, Yeast, Water, and Salt: How Breadmaking Helped Me Get Through My Divorce

Breadmaking made me feel purposeful, instead of feeling as if I scarcely had control over anything.

Jun 5, 2018
Things | Curiosities
A Living Time Capsule Shows That to Be Human is to Be Wild

Most time capsules are enclosed underground, but this one faces the world.

May 21, 2018
Things | Personal Facets
The Rose Quartz Ceiling: When It Comes to Love, Men Are Praised for What Women Are Simply Expected to Give

When love and femininity are intertwined, only some of us are expected to do the job of loving.

May 16, 2018
Things | Personal Facets
Amethyst: When You Seek Balance at All Costs

Maybe telling ourselves we’re balanced, that we’re in control, is almost as good as the real thing.

Apr 16, 2018
Things | What We Wear
My Suits Helped Me Try on Another Life, But I Don’t Need Them Anymore

Sometimes I still think about my suits and the life I could have had. Now I work for myself, and my standard uniform is jeans and a T-shirt.

Apr 12, 2018