
Things | Technophilia
Trying to Escape the Trap of Digital Productivity

I felt sick with despair that I wasn’t out in the physical world, so I built a digital identity with the things I had to hand.

Aug 10, 2022
Things | Arts & Culture | Technophilia
The Secret Land of Horses

There are horse girls and there are Internet horse girls.

Jul 14, 2020
Things | Arts & Culture | Technophilia
Building a Home Used to Be Easy—Especially in ‘The Sims’

To me, these never felt like steps to sprint through on the way to simulating life, but life itself.

Jul 2, 2020
Things | Arts & Culture | Technophilia
You Can Do Anything in Animal Crossing Except Escape Productivity Dread

As cliché as it’s become to say, I found myself needing this game in a way I could have never accounted for, even with all my years of fanboying.

Apr 23, 2020
Nonfiction | Technophilia
Traits of successful international businesses

Many companies nowadays have understood the benefits of expand their businesses on an international scale. Whether it is to diversify their market, increase their revenues or just explore a market they have not before, international business expansion is something that can be extremely beneficial for companies if executed properly. 57% of Google’s revenue comes from […]

Oct 30, 2018
Nonfiction | Technophilia
Content marketing

The competition in most industries nowadays have been so high over the recent years that many companies have had to shift how they were marketing their products and attracting customers. Because of this shift, content marketing became a more common way for companies to keep the attention of the customers in a way that felt […]

Oct 30, 2018
Nonfiction | Technophilia
Client-side frameworks

Unlike the frontend, client-side frameworks are not related in any way with business logic. Because the work takes place inside, interfaces can be improved and implemented. Several features with animation can be created with frontend frameworks and SPA (single-page applications). Every client-side framework is different from the other in function and use. Here are some […]

Oct 30, 2018
Nonfiction | Technophilia
The best web development frameworks

A framework on the web is a software tool providing to its users an effective way to build and run web applications. Thanks to these frameworks, you do not need to write code by yourself and waste time looking for any kind of miscalculations or bugs of any kind. In the past, when web development […]

Oct 30, 2018
Nonfiction | Technophilia
100% human.

What is that one thing in your life no one knows about,what is that particular space in your heart you spend all your energy trying to hide?

Oct 23, 2015