On Writing

People | On Writing | Growing Faith
Women Writing About Complicated Desire Saved Me When the Evangelical Church Couldn’t

What I’d been looking for at the convent, I could find in reading and writing. If other writers could channel their desires, I could use it, too.

Oct 15, 2019
On Writing | Turning Points
So, You’ve Finished Your Book

When my students finished a draft, all I wanted them to do was sit inside of it for longer than was comfortable. To acknowledge and celebrate what they’d accomplished.

Oct 3, 2019
Places | On Writing | Natives & Neighborhoods
My Father Wishes He Were a Writer, Like Me

Writing was just something I thought happened to people naturally, that whatever wasn’t written was eventually forgotten. And I wanted to remember everything.

May 9, 2019
On Writing | Turning Points
As a Nurse and Writer, I Work Toward a Culture of Care

Despite how fruitless both nursing and writing can feel, I choose to engage with both.

Mar 21, 2019
People | On Writing | Bodies
As a Disabled Writer, I Know My Stories Are Worth Telling

These worlds I dearly love, with science-fiction that supersedes the science in our reality, deserve Smart Drives and automatic doors and disabled heroes, too.

Feb 14, 2019
On Writing | Publish or Perish
Every Day is a Writing Day, With or Without an MFA

There are far more writers ringing up your groceries, writers pulling your daily espresso shot, writers in the laundries of hotels and security tagging jeans at the mall and filling your prescriptions and pouring your beer into a clean cold glass.

Nov 27, 2018
On Writing | Shop Talk
Don’t Submit. Pitch.

Writers, take note: A submission says, please pick me, I’ll be waiting. A pitch says, catch me or you’ll miss the ball.

Sep 17, 2018
On Writing | Shop Talk
The Tides of Success: A Two-Artist Marriage Confessional

You loved his talent first. You hope that he will not love you less, for all that you do not now achieve.

Sep 6, 2018
On Writing | Debut
Portrait of the Author as a Woman with Adult Acne

Will my face betray me when it’s time to talk about my book in public?

May 24, 2018
On Writing | Debut
A Memoirist’s Terror & Insight: Writing My Ex-Husband on the Page

I wasn’t looking for pretty stories. I wanted messy, ugly, honest secrets.

May 9, 2018