Don’t Write Alone | Notes on Craft
A Memoir Should Be a Conversation, Not a Monologue

It’s about suggesting, right there on the page, that the writer is no more important than the reader.

Aug 16, 2021
People | Body Language
Make New Memories, Our Story is Enough

I call our son. Mom, he says, after he has tapped the symptoms into Google, have you ever heard of transient global amnesia?

Mar 30, 2021
People | Family | Generations
Three Car Crashes and the Long Afterward

The story is no longer me and my vehicles but my mother and hers. We called it an accident, but it wasn’t.

Jul 22, 2019
People | Generations
Here If You Need Me: Learning to Be Present While Fighting for Your Father

When fighting on behalf of the father you love, who do you become?

Jan 10, 2019
On Writing | Shop Talk
The Tides of Success: A Two-Artist Marriage Confessional

You loved his talent first. You hope that he will not love you less, for all that you do not now achieve.

Sep 6, 2018