Arts & Culture

Arts & Culture | Music
Listening to Kelis Taught Me to Embrace Anger

Her anger had made its way to her music; my anger couldn’t find a home outside my own head.

Dec 3, 2020
Arts & Culture | Queer Life
How Queer Sex Liberated Me

Leaving my cishet marriage was hard, but it set us both free to find more satisfying relationships.

Nov 17, 2020
Arts & Culture | Movies
Sex, Lies, and Vampires: Rethinking ‘Twilight’ and Purity Rings

Without anywhere to talk about sex or process it, ‘Twilight’ offered an alternative space to unravel my own private desire.

Nov 12, 2020
Arts & Culture | Rekindle
My Father, Montaigne, and the Art of Living

When my father died in 2012, I inherited his well-read copy of Montaigne’s ‘Essais.’

Oct 29, 2020
People | Arts & Culture | Language
On Preserving Taiwanese Through Romanization

But was there a better way to put these pronunciations on the page?

Oct 22, 2020
Arts & Culture | Language
What Kind of Sonnets Will Computers Write?

If poetry is an act of discovery for a writer, then even a computational poem has to uncover something new.

Oct 21, 2020
People | Arts & Culture | Food
How Saunf (or Mukhwas, or Fennel Candy) Built Me a Home

To these writers, saunf occurred in the world as a curiosity, but not as an inevitability.

Oct 20, 2020
Arts & Culture | Rekindle
An Ode to the Great Undead Novella

Where I lived and grew up, the novella was never endangered.

Oct 19, 2020
People | Arts & Culture | Queer Life
How ‘Drag Race’ Helped Me See My Non-Binary Identity

When I look at my personal aesthetic (if I could call it that), I see something that gives me room to move through binaries.

Oct 15, 2020
People | Arts & Culture | Food
In Praise of Spoon and Fork

Could I really not keep anything from the unbearable whiteness of being?

Oct 13, 2020