The Blacklist

People | The Blacklist
“The Disappearance”: A Novel by Rosa Guy

“Guy’s novels are like Judy Blume books for black teenagers.”

Jun 28, 2018
People | The Blacklist
“Rhode Island Red”: A Novel by Charlotte Carter

Carter’s characters rarely do what one might expect. Reading her work just gives you a jolt.

May 29, 2018
People | The Blacklist
“The Long Night”: A Novel by Julian Mayfield

Mayfield’s style was as stark as Richard Wright and poetic as Ernest Hemingway, but was grounded in urban realism.

Apr 26, 2018
People | The Blacklist
“The Landlord”: A Novel by Kristin Hunter

Kristin Hunter gave attention to subtle worlds within worlds and psyches within psyches.

Mar 29, 2018
People | The Blacklist
“Jonoah and the Green Stone”: A Novel by Henry Dumas

Despite his literary brilliance, Dumas became a tragic symbol of young black men slain by police.

Feb 28, 2018
People | The Blacklist
“Negrophobia”: A Novel by Darius James

Published in 1992, “Negrophobia” was a wild romp through a racially charged dreamscape.

Jan 31, 2018