People | Relationships

A Gay Gaye Holud for Two Bengali Brides

Promiti Islam on queerness, Bengali-American identity, and the complexities of family acceptance,

Finding your betrothed’s name in your bridal henna promises a joyous life together

A common requestSophia


I’m in. I’m so into your.

Into my what?Not your, I meant YOU

Why can’t you find a nice Muslim boy?

I’m your mother.Who is she to you?

If you had been born this way, we would get it We could tell. But why now? Did something happen to you? Why choose this? If this relationship ends, will you go back to men? Is this safe? Is it because we came to this country? Are we too old to understand? Did we fail you somehow?

Sexuality is a spectrum. I’m choosing love. There are queer people in Bangladesh. They are gay people your age. This is not a failure; this is love.

I just see her as another one of my daughtersI don’t even think about your relationship to each other

We just need more time


