
People | Generations
When My Grandfather Dies, No One Will Say He Was “Gone Too Soon”

When my grandfather threatened to kill himself, I began to wonder if, as he sees it, he has effectively stopped living.

Jan 16, 2019
People | Generations
Here If You Need Me: Learning to Be Present While Fighting for Your Father

When fighting on behalf of the father you love, who do you become?

Jan 10, 2019
People | Generations
My Fathers and Hip-Hop Taught Me About Self-Care as A Black Man

If cancer and trauma are hereditary, is it not my responsibility to do everything in my power to ensure neither my children nor I have to suffer?

Oct 9, 2018
People | Generations
When Your Immigrant Mother Fights For Your Education—And You Fail

With words, spelled correctly or not, I could say exactly how I felt: like my head was a ball of snakes, like something extraordinary for once.

Oct 1, 2018
People | Generations
My Grandfather Helps Me Find Myself, Even Though He’s Gone

My family isn’t religious, but we have a saying that we do believe in my grandfather. And an essay he wrote about me reminds me to believe in myself.

Sep 18, 2018
People | Generations
Loving Your Immigrant Parents, Superstitions and All

There’s a distinct kind of relationship that privileged first-generation children have with their immigrant parents.

Aug 23, 2018
People | Generations
How Reading True Crime Stories Helps Us Face Our Own Fears

“Not thinking about these things doesn’t make them go away. So, instead, I choose to look. It is staring into a dim room and letting my eyes adjust to the dark.”

Aug 9, 2018
People | Generations
How A War in the Middle East Changed My Family in the Philippines Forever

Papa left the summer I turned eight. The emotional toll of a wife who blamed him was too much to carry along with the burden of repatriating thousands of Filipino citizens.

Aug 7, 2018
People | Generations
Up and Under: On Water, Fatherhood, and the Perils of Both

“The nurse sucked the last of his water world out of him. And then the cry, a goodbye to that wet planet.”

Jul 19, 2018
People | Generations
What Has Feminism Looked Like in My Grandma’s Life?

When she held hands with a man and walked down the street, it was an act of responsibility to herself.

Jul 10, 2018