
People | Generations
“More Pieces of Us”: A Quilt, Mental Illness, and Things Passed Down

A quilt made by my great-grandmother became a life preserver when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Jul 2, 2018
People | Generations
Orbits Around My Grandmother: On the Anxiety of Loneliness

“The phenomenon of lonely deaths for aging populations echoes in many pockets around the world.”

Jun 21, 2018
People | Generations
Fountain of Youth: Floating Between Being a Motherless Child and a Childless Mother

“I am unmoored, my place not easily defined, my presence not immediately understood.”

Jun 7, 2018
People | Generations
My Father’s Final Gift to Us? He Planned a Natural Burial

His bluegrass band at the gravesite? Check. No embalming? Check.

May 15, 2018
People | Generations
Lost Cause: On Estrangement and Chosen Family

Staying in contact with biological family no matter what they’ve done is a message beaten into us from every side.

May 10, 2018
People | Generations
Cursed: Baseball Lore and Saving My Daughter’s Life

“Does cursing beget being cursed? Had I brashly yielded a power unchecked, unaware of the consequences?”

Apr 30, 2018
People | Generations
My Mother’s Secret Garden

The students turned a gray patch of earth into their own tiny Eden, a secret oasis of their own.

Apr 26, 2018
People | Generations
When the Moon Met the Tiger: Homecoming and Loss in Myanmar

A homecoming could happen across many continents. It was not a physical place, but a family’s embrace.

Apr 19, 2018
People | Generations
What Isn’t Mine Is Mine: Accepting Intergenerational Trauma

We inherit trauma through the actions of family members and through the stories they share.

Mar 22, 2018
People | Generations
The Version We Remember: On the Truth and Fiction of Photography

We remember only a version of the story, and we tell only a fraction of that version. And sometimes, even that will fail us.

Mar 1, 2018