Naturally, the first person I wrote about was my mother.
But there was also the feeling of home, and these feelings shiver still in my core.
Am I ever going to know where I hope to escape to? I understand that I’m trying escape from reality, but I’m still not clear on what the destination is.
An obsession with excellence creates an unfortunate binary: all or nothing.
Once it happens, sleep paralysis tends to recur. It’s as if a spirit has marked your bed, like the first coming has irreversibly altered you.
To know him beyond the frail, serious man who struggled to speak to his family was such a rare and incredible gift.
As a mother, feeling strong requires different abilities than the ones I had before becoming a parent.
After a few moments of fawning and cooing, I interjected from outside the circle with a shy raised hand: “Hi, I’m the mom.”