Meaning is an abstract concept. It needs a container. Concrete details are those vessels, the building blocks, the foundation of a good essay.
Whenever I travel, I make a point to speak the local language as much as possible.
This exercise is meant to let you use a part of your identity as a perspective, rather than just a subject that you’re putting under pressure and scrutiny.
Walang katapusan ang dalamhati. What else can I do but live through it? Write through it?
The point of dating is to get to know another person. It’s a process made more confusing when, in my grief, I’m getting reacquainted with myself.
In the ‘Sex and the City’ reboot, Carrie Bradshaw’s arc is one of the most truthful depictions of mourning I’ve ever seen on TV.
In an interview with Catapult magazine, Publishers Brunch shares how Instagram memes foster a sense of community in the publishing industry.
At what point does someone we’ve lost become only a story we tell, more myth than memory?
I try to be agnostic about where I write; I never have an excuse to not.
Baking was solely Mom’s domain, I believed, and cooking for her was mine.