
Family | Arts & Culture | Television
The ‘Survivor’ Notebook

I remember the day Mom said “stage IV metastatic,” so now I need a show with forty seasons.

Mar 10, 2020
Arts & Culture | Television
How Rewatching ‘Charmed’ Helped Me Separate Magic From Mania

When palm trees swing in the soft breeze, I remind myself that my body is not an orchestra, and the trees are not dancing for me.

Oct 31, 2019
Arts & Culture | Television
What an Over-the-Top, Teen Cable Drama Taught Me About My Sexuality

I didn’t know—or think I knew—any visibly queer women, and watching these fictional women half-existing seemed both comforting and lonely.

Sep 12, 2019
Arts & Culture | Television
Redrawing the Lines: How Anime Helped Shape My Nonbinary Identity

At the time, I didn’t know I could be anything but a girl, a quiet Chinese American girl, cute and easy to ignore, but Kurama hinted at other possibilities.

Jul 25, 2019
Arts & Culture | Television
The Gospel According to Fleabag

The truth was, for me and as for Fleabag, I wasn’t just looking for a good story to tell my friends. I was looking for something so much harder to grasp: a narrative.

Jun 24, 2019
Arts & Culture | Television
There Is No Purer or More Joyful Reality TV Show Than ‘Antiques Roadshow’

The Roadshow is so kind, so simple, and so pure that you begin to wonder, “Could this even be faked?” When I visited the set in San Diego, I discovered—no, it can’t be faked.

Apr 8, 2019
Arts & Culture | Television
Falling in Love and (Finally) Finding Queer Representation on a Telenovela

I know that their lips are touching, and that this is the first time it’s ever happened on a free-to-air telenovela.

Apr 2, 2019
Arts & Culture | Television
’90s Sitcoms Don’t Hold Up Well—But They Once Held My Family Together

I knew on a level the humor was cringeworthy, especially as a recently out gay boy facing heterosexist gender roles, but I didn’t care. I needed “Friends” to make our house feel less lonely and empty.

Mar 13, 2019