From the Archives of

Fiction | From the Archives of

Each time she opened her mouth, whoever was nearby liked her a little less.

Jan 12, 2017
Fiction | From the Archives of
The Blood Jet

He was never nice, yet I let him move in. This, I thought, was experience.

Jan 5, 2017
Places | From the Archives of
D Is for the Dance of the Hours: A Portrait of Pre-Bankruptcy Detroit

My cousin’s stories of being a Detroit cop could have come straight out of an opera.

Dec 22, 2016
Places | From the Archives of
Sign Here If You Exist

When I think about Darwin’s wasps, I can put to rest my belief in God. It’s the afterlife that is hard to give up.

Dec 15, 2016
Places | From the Archives of
Imaginary Children

“A woman without a child is defined by what she does not have.”

Dec 8, 2016
Places | From the Archives of
Memorandum to the Animals

“This time around we are in charge: making our own guest list, which does not include Every Living Thing.”

Dec 1, 2016
Fiction | From the Archives of

The day my father left

Mar 25, 2016
Fiction | From the Archives of

(originally published in Alaska Quarterly Review, 2001)

Feb 27, 2016
People | From the Archives of
What Will Become of the Babies?

Reintroducing suffragist Eleanor Kirk

Feb 26, 2016