From the Archives of

Fiction | From the Archives of

CHAPTER TWO It’s hot and scorching, yet Quentin has his hoodie worn over his head now as he navigates his way through the barely busy Campus, populated by students all of all shapes, sizes and of course, colors. The University of Brownboard pride themselves in their progressiveness – it is currently the only University in […]

Aug 10, 2018
Fiction | From the Archives of

CHAPTER ONE Quentin Babalola is not one to accept defeat Once in kindergarten, he stabbed Jennifer Okafor with a pencil because she cheated in a game of legos. His teacher – Mrs. Ofili would later send a note to his parents, telling them how ill-mannered their son is. Quentin’s parents are socialites who care a […]

Aug 10, 2018
Fiction | From the Archives of
in other shadows unborn

excerpts from a Samuel Beckett fantasia

Aug 17, 2017
Fiction | From the Archives of
Three Reasons I Need A Driver: A Trifecta.

Thoughts on the perils of driving.

Jun 12, 2017
Fiction | From the Archives of
The Hunley

“Whenever you do think of reaching out for the line, it’s been easier for you to fire up another bong load, turn up the music and lose another day.”

Feb 22, 2017
Fiction | From the Archives of
Someone Like Sue

“We called the paper to place an ad asking if anyone had lost a wallet, an earring, and a cash wad.”

Feb 9, 2017
Fiction | From the Archives of
Past the EconoLodge

“Don’t you get it? I don’t have to stay anywhere.”

Feb 2, 2017
Fiction | From the Archives of

“Life was a vigil and you had to know the precedents.”

Jan 26, 2017
Fiction | From the Archives of
Today’s Story

“I’m an undertaker. I lost a lady I buried.”

Jan 19, 2017