A Blind Writer's Notebook

Columns | A Blind Writer's Notebook
The Brain-Smashing, Pity-Bashing Art of Blind Punk

Embracing the stigma and using it as a weapon feels punk.

Nov 21, 2019
Columns | A Blind Writer's Notebook
How Helen Keller’s Vaudeville Stint Inspired Me as an Artist

The idea of exploitation seemed to me fraught with assumptions about what a blind person is supposed to do and be—assumptions that insist blind people be poets and prophets, saints or beggars, not lowbrow entertainers.

Jan 29, 2019
Columns | A Blind Writer's Notebook
When People See Your Blindness as Superhuman, They Stop Seeing You as Human

The sixth sense, second sight, third eye. We are supposed to have both extra-accurate hearing and perfect pitch, more numerous and more acute taste buds, a finer touch, a bloodhound’s sense of smell.

Nov 29, 2018
Columns | A Blind Writer's Notebook
Parting the Sea, and Why the White Cane is a Symbol of Power, Not Helplessness

I felt that whipping out the white cane would irrevocably launch me into the kingdom of the blind, and, for many years, I did not want to go there.

Oct 15, 2018
Columns | A Blind Writer's Notebook
Mourning My Lost Dark as a Blind Artist

For me, distinctions between light and dark have dissolved as my blindness has worsened. I do not experience blindness as darkness or blackness.

Aug 14, 2018
People | A Blind Writer's Notebook
Are Blind People Denied Their Sexuality?

The contortions that people will undergo to desexualize me, a blind woman, can be overwhelming.

Jul 17, 2018
People | A Blind Writer's Notebook
The Blind Feeding the Lame: Growing Disabled with Dad

As I turned into a blind person, my dad metamorphosed into a disabled person.

Jun 13, 2018
People | A Blind Writer's Notebook
E-Books, Accessibility, Luddites, and the Techno-Dazzled

“Blind and print-handicapped readers do not have the luxury of deciding whether they will go old-school and deny the digital age.”

May 1, 2018
People | A Blind Writer's Notebook
Reading Blind

An awesome braille reader’s fingers move smoothly across the page. My fingers, however, move like caterpillars on Klonopin.

Mar 6, 2018
People | A Blind Writer's Notebook
Cancer Vs. Blindness

Blindness can be a pain in the ass, and infantilizing, even depressing sometimes, but it is not cancer.

Feb 1, 2018