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Uncovering the Secrets of My Chromosomes Through Genetic Testing

I couldn’t fight off the sense that there is a certain absurdity to getting tested for a disease for which there is currently no cure.

To begin, an incomplete list of things I have inherited from my mother: light-red hair that is neither curly nor straight, an intense love of mustard that borders on the obscene, an obsession with cable medical dramas of the early aughts, a propensity for getting food stuck in the exact same spot between my left incisor and canine, an embarrassing affection for the music of Faith Hill, an antique crystal perfume dropper handcrafted in Yugoslavia, a lifelong aversion to the taste of meat, the keen ability to level a person with a single devastating glance, and, maybe, though this I can only assume, certain aberrations in my genetic code that may one day cause the rogue cells in my body to mutate and relentlessly divide.


a 2018 studyand

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