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My Radical Instagram Sangha: A Love Letter

A space has been created by this unflinching journalism, this unabashed Instagram memoir.

“Psych ward day 1// the side effects are hitting hard [barf emoji] [eye-roll emoji]”

–– Caption for soundless video of a young woman in her inpatient hospital room in Kenya. She wears a medical mask, points the camera at herself in the mirror, flashes a peace sign. Instagram user [redacted], 1,604 followers.

“Dude thats a nice ass psych ward. We had no mirrors or closets, we were definitely not allowed bags in our room and DEFINITELY not our phones. I hope you get well soon, stay strong luv xx”

–– comment #14

Bipolar Disorder and Priorities.

“you’re so strong and so wonderfully made! im so proud of you for getting the help you need i know this is hard work and its so inspiring to see! i am sending you so much love and light, i am so hopeful that you feel supported and cared for right now!”

–– comment #13

Psych ward day 1// the side effects are hitting hard [barf emoji] [eye-roll emoji].

Psych ward day 1// the side effects are hitting hard . . .

you’re so strong and so wonderfully made! im so proud of you for getting the help you need i know this is hard work and its so inspiring to see! i am sending you so much love and light, i am so hopeful that you feel supported and cared for right now!

Psych ward day 1you’re so strong and so wonderfully made!

“I’m literally about to go to a treatment center in the next few hours. Wish me luck. [fingers-crossed emoji]

–– comment #8

Wish me luck

“All the best! Lots of love from [redacted] Psych Ward”

–– comment #9

maybe currently hospitalized

“Stay strong [username redacted] [muscle-arm emoji] [red heart emoji] we believe in you”

–– comment #10


“[Crown emoji] They give you your phone at yours? Up in New York it’s like@jail no fresh air no ciggs & nurses constantly walking in on you every 15/20 mins didn’t even have a table in the room just a rubber bed nailed to the floor”

–– comment #11

I won’t underestimate you. I’ll spend every day listening to you and honoring your power. I know your power could kill me, so I’m not going to help you do that.

Up in New York it’s like@jail No fresh air no ciggs & nurses constantly walking in on you

Didn’t even have a table in the room just a rubber bed nailed to the floor. [crown emoji]

“I am so glad you have your phone with you. You can do this. [two red heart emojis]

–– comment #3

“You got this [prayer hands] you’ve come out the other side before and you can do it again [red heart emoji] sending love”

–– comment #6

“[four pink heart emojis]”

–– comment #16

“Hang in there girl! [red heart emoji]”

–– comment #14

“Looks way better than the psych wards I’ve been to. How’re you feeling today?”

–– comment #1

“You got this [red heart emoji] you’ll come out better and strong in the end [hibiscus flower]”

–– comment #8

You got this you’ll come out better and strong in the got thisyou can do this! “hang in there girl!