Don’t Write Alone

Don’t Write Alone | Shop Talk
Filing Taxes as a Self-Employed Writer

Your worth as an artist is not equivalent to the numbers that end up on your tax return.

Mar 9, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Interviews
What is Genre, Anyway?

In this conversation, author Isaac Fellman and literary agent Kate McKean discuss how writers and the publishing industry define genre . . . and realize the more you talk about it, the less clear the concept becomes.

Mar 8, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Notes From Class
Chelsea T. Hicks Wants More Indigenous Poets to Write from Their Own Languages

In this interview, Catapult’s head instructor, Gabrielle Bellot, talks with instructor Chelsea T. Hicks about Indigenous poetry, colonialism, languages, the process of “rematriation,” and more.

Mar 7, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Free Write
Magical Realism and Cultural Context

Learn how to devise a rough concept for a magical realist story with this prompt from classes instructor Jessica Reidy.

Mar 3, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Shop Talk
I Read the Submissions Queue for a Literary Journal

Over the last four years I have evaluated more than one thousand short stories.

Mar 2, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Interviews
“Race is a construct, yet the impact of it on human beings is very real”: A Conversation with Namrata Poddar

“Instead of engaging with the white gaze, my fiction is interested in exploring the various ways in which our brown communities have endured marginalization . . . ”

Mar 1, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Writing Life
“Prison Writer”: A Meditation on Histories and the Sentences that Create Them

From PEN America’s ‘The Sentences That Create Us Crafting A Writer’s Life in Prison.’

Don’t Write Alone | Toolkit
Is Procrastination Good for Your Writing?

There is no real, direct “cure” for procrastination, but there might be ways of better understanding it so that we can all use procrastination to our benefit in the long-run.

Feb 24, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Where We Write
My Pothos Plant Finally Convinced Me to Write in My Office

Not so long ago, I was a writer who wrote anywhere but at her desk.

Feb 23, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Writing Life
What Do You Do After the MFA?

Whatever your MFA experience, it takes time to create or recreate the life that you can keep writing in. In this essay, Rachel Taube speaks to her cohort members regarding their first year post-MFA.

Feb 22, 2022