
Jif Wars

I want to incorporate a peanut butter and banana sandwich into my lunch routine and by the time my kind, loving husband returns home I am as excited about this sandwich as the Tea Party was about John Boehner resigning the speakership.

Nov 2, 2015
Nonfiction | Postcards
The Baguette and I

An unlikely love story

Oct 29, 2015
Twitter Defeats Writer Due to #GOPDebate

There is someone called Kasich who called ‘em out on their shit. The moderators actually want to tell the senators to shut up, but also tend to forget they have microphones. Ted Cruz has a flat head, apparently. The GDP is not consumption. The debate is scary enough to be part of a haunted house. […]

Oct 29, 2015
The Beautiful People Don’t Shop at My Walmart

“My only fear about shopping at Walmart on a Sunday after Spin class is that I’ll end up on that website: I’d much rather be on the peopleofwholefoods website. The people at Whole Foods are so hot they should get together and publish a Whole Foods Swimsuit Calendar.”

Oct 25, 2015
Nonfiction | Technophilia
100% human.

What is that one thing in your life no one knows about,what is that particular space in your heart you spend all your energy trying to hide?

Oct 23, 2015
Coping With Life’s Clutter

It’s here! My just-published e-book, “Coping With Life’s Clutter,” offers a collection of articles on dealing with the stresses of life.You can buy a copy at Spread the word & share the link — I would so much appreciate it!

Oct 22, 2015
Like Water

I recently read that it’s pivotal for writers to stay in the sentence. “Sentences are lonely.” Dangling punctuation and ambiguity is cowardly. It’s a cop-out. Finish the thought, finish the thought. Be uncomfortable. *** But here. Here. Let me write outside the lines. No longer giving such life to the past; to the people and […]

Oct 22, 2015
Nonfiction | Then & Now

The last time I wrote at length in this space I was unmarried, both of my kids were still in high school, and my mother was alive. Oh, and I wasn’t 50! As David Bowie so eloquently put it: “. . .turn and face the strange, ch-ch-changes!” I am not the first person to experience […]

Oct 20, 2015
Are My Dogs Transgender?

My white dog barks at avocados, Alec Baldwin, and dung beetles. To be fair to Alec Baldwin, he only barks at him when he has a beard. Buddy is one of three dogs in my household. He is a Maltipoo, half poodle and half Maltese, and suffers from identity crisis, not clearly fitting in with […]

Oct 19, 2015
You wore blue.

My memories of my father are in black and white.

Oct 5, 2015