People | Generations
What Isn’t Mine Is Mine: Accepting Intergenerational Trauma

We inherit trauma through the actions of family members and through the stories they share.

Mar 22, 2018
Fiction | Short Story
No Touching


May 13, 2016
Fiction | Short Story
Shoulda Woulda Coulda


May 10, 2016
Fiction | Short Story

(Story A Day May)

May 9, 2016
Fiction | Short Story
Endangered Species

(An Homage to a Book Recently Read)

May 5, 2016
Fiction | Short Story


May 2, 2016
Fiction | Short Story
Broken Wings


May 1, 2016
Iced Coffee’s Circles of Hell

1. The ice floating at the top of the cup is so beautiful. It makes shapes. The cubes twist and turn with every movement of the glass, even the slightest and shortest travel from the kitchen to the computer set up on a too-small desk in a too-small room. There’s no one else there, but […]

Jan 9, 2016
Fiction | Short Story
1667 – #1

One I got it this time, I swear, look, try this card, there’s money in the bank, it’s gotta work.” I hear Julia through the wall, yelling at whatever company she’s yelling at, trying to buy something or other. Strange, really, that she keeps buying things. Or maybe she’s not buying things. Maybe she’s trying […]

Nov 7, 2015
Twitter Defeats Writer Due to #GOPDebate

There is someone called Kasich who called ‘em out on their shit. The moderators actually want to tell the senators to shut up, but also tend to forget they have microphones. Ted Cruz has a flat head, apparently. The GDP is not consumption. The debate is scary enough to be part of a haunted house. […]

Oct 29, 2015