
Nonfiction | Curiosities
A Viking’s Guide To Good Hosting

Writing: not as bad as genocide.

Apr 27, 2017
Nonfiction | No Filter
Gut Check

Pleased to meat you.

Apr 26, 2017
Nonfiction | Role Monsters
Fist Search

On finding the smut again.

Apr 25, 2017
Nonfiction | TinyLetter
Some Thing Are/n’t

A really well trodden second hand bookshop should probably only contain the worst books — between replenishings donated through death and the shame of illiterate children.

Apr 24, 2017
Nonfiction | Losing My Religion
Fungibility Is A Broken Concept

Fungibility is a much-lauded quality for an ideal employee, but is that due to flexibility or to replaceability?

Apr 15, 2017
Nonfiction | Phantoms
Who killed Laura Palmer?

A Rhetorical Pentadic Analysis of ‘Twin Peaks’ Episode 209, “Arbitrary Law”

Apr 4, 2017
Underground’s dissection of the ‘Strong Black Woman’ in episode 3

In a response to racist-sexist attacks as old and disgusting and disgraceful as the man who uttered them, Congresswoman Maxine Waters confidently declared herself a strong black woman who could not be intimidated. It was a response that roused social media into a chorus of support and inspired the hashtag #BlackWomenatWork where Black Women exposed […]

Mar 30, 2017
Nonfiction | Source Notes
3 Credit Score Myths

Throughout life everybody comes to a time when they need extra funding. Whether it’s purchasing a new home, car, business, or anything else your heart desires, creditors will look at your credit history and score. Your credit score significantly impacts the amount of money you can borrow and the amount of interest you will be […]

Mar 29, 2017
Nonfiction | At Work
Is Your Career Choice A Dying Industry?

A lot of people like to go into the career path that their friends and relatives are recommending for them. What they often fail to recognize is whether it is a profession that will bring in the money. Sadly, many graduates leave school to find that there are no good jobs in their major. They […]

Mar 29, 2017
Nonfiction | Bodies
What Certain Breakout Areas Say About You

When it comes to caring for one’s appearance, it’s safe to say that most people spend a lot of time and money preventing and treating breakouts and pimples. Acne is a dreaded four-letter word that sends fear into the heart of anyone who wants to look their best at all times. Despite using expensive creams […]

Mar 28, 2017