Arts & Culture

Arts & Culture | Food
Wherever I Go, Kimchi Fried Rice Feels Like Home

They were our new friends, and we wanted to treat them to food from that had become special to us.

Aug 24, 2020
Arts & Culture | Rekindle
Living in Translation, or Why I Love Daffodils, an Unpopular Postcolonial Flower

For generations, Indians had to learn a poem about a flower most would rarely see.

Aug 19, 2020
People | Arts & Culture | Queer Life
How the Secrets Came Out

This was about protecting the new self growing its delicate way within me.

Aug 17, 2020
Arts & Culture | Art
Why Bathing Is More Than Self-Care—It’s Art

To be female and to bathe is to always be prepared for onlookers.

Aug 13, 2020
Arts & Culture | On Writing | Queer Life
When Work Doesn’t Love You Back

Reflecting on my personal work history, I’ve learned that searching for a job I love has often kept me from balance in my creative life.

Aug 13, 2020
Arts & Culture | Music
Carly Rae Jepsen’s Music Helped Me Stop Apologizing for Being “Too Much”

There is something freeing about being in a ballroom full of people singing about how we all deserve to feel a love that reverberates through the walls of our body.

Aug 3, 2020
Arts & Culture | Rekindle
What I Read When I Was Radioactive

The cruel logic of cancer therapy is that what kills the malignant could also kill the benign.

Jul 30, 2020
Places | Arts & Culture | Migrations
What I Carry in My Bag of American Dreams

When we decided to immigrate to the US from Iran, I thought I was ready to face any possible hard times ahead—but there was still so much I had to learn about living.

Jul 21, 2020
Arts & Culture | Rekindle
Atrophy of the Author: In Fanfiction, Writers and Readers Are on More Equal Ground

There is an equivalence between fanfiction writers and readers: we’re in this together, united by our mutual passion for media.

Jul 16, 2020
Things | Arts & Culture | Technophilia
The Secret Land of Horses

There are horse girls and there are Internet horse girls.

Jul 14, 2020