People | Comic
An Agnostic’s Longing: A Comic

We’ve listed the names we get called and the names we call ourselves. Some feel true. Others give us aches.

Oct 9, 2019
Arts & Culture | Book Outtakes
Is the Green You See, the Green I See?

As my brain absorbed these other names, the colors seemed to shift. The names themselves were changing how I saw the colors.

Sep 5, 2018
People | Ritual
The Cactus Mother: Nine Plants, Zero Kids

I used to tell people I needed to write a novel before I could consider offspring. I have written one novel. I am considering purchasing a fern.

Jan 22, 2018
Things | What We Wear
The Woman Scared of Her Own Kimono

I feel unworthy to wear the uniform of my inheritance.

Jan 10, 2017