
Don’t Write Alone | Toolkit
Poems That Will Inspire You to Keep Writing

To celebrate National Poetry Month, we asked authors the question: “What poem or poet inspires you to keep writing?”

Apr 6, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Toolkit
On Writing (When I’m Not Inspired)

I know I’m the kind of writer who has to trick himself into writing, into making the effort to find something to write about.

Mar 28, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Toolkit
When Flash Nonfiction Strikes You

After contact, you may feel exposed, raw, tingly. Learn about flash nonfiction forms and what to do if you want to write flash of your own.

Mar 16, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Toolkit
Is Procrastination Good for Your Writing?

There is no real, direct “cure” for procrastination, but there might be ways of better understanding it so that we can all use procrastination to our benefit in the long-run.

Feb 24, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Toolkit
‘The Artist’s Way’ is Better Than My Way

Is my singular definition of myself as a novelist useful to me?

Feb 7, 2022
Don’t Write Alone | Toolkit
How to Write an Ending

Why is it so hard to land the ending of a story? We want the endings of our stories to feel surprising yet inevitable—which is easier said than done.

Dec 8, 2021
Don’t Write Alone | Toolkit
Writing Nonbinary Characters

As a nonbinary queer writer, fictional characters helped me understand myself. I encourage authors to include nonbinary characters in their work.

Dec 6, 2021
Don’t Write Alone | Toolkit
Fiction Writing and Screenwriting: What’s the Difference?

For the fiction writer who is looking to dive into the deep end of writing their first film script, here are some things to keep in mind.

Aug 23, 2021
Don’t Write Alone | Toolkit
Learning the Elements of a Screenplay

If you’re interested in writing screenplays, it’s important to get to know the nearly identical format all screenplays and film scripts follow.

Jul 21, 2021
Don’t Write Alone | Toolkit
The Mathematics of Writing a Novel

Writing a novel is a Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal. A bucket-list item. And like so many other bucket-list items, you have to find a way to make it happen.

May 13, 2021