Notes From Class

Columns | On Writing | Notes From Class
Writing Our Pandemic Stories: May & June

In this three-installment column, Chloe Caldwell and her 12-month essay generator students write about their daily life during the Covid-19 crisis

Jun 9, 2020
Columns | On Writing | Notes From Class
Writing Our Pandemic Stories: April & May

In this three-installment column, Chloe Caldwell and her 12-month essay generator students write about their daily life during the Covid-19 crisis

May 12, 2020
Columns | On Writing | Notes From Class
Writing Our Pandemic Stories: March & April

In this three-installment column, Chloe Caldwell and her 12-month essay generator students write about their daily life during the Covid-19 crisis

Apr 27, 2020
On Writing | Notes From Class
Against Fame: On Publishing, Popularity, and Ambition

“The problem with fame is not its rarity; it’s that it is out of our control.”

Jan 26, 2017
On Writing | Notes From Class
What I Think of the Fact That You Keep Asking Me What My Family Thinks of My Writing

When men create characters based on themselves, they are innovative; when women do it, they’re shaming their families.

Oct 18, 2016
On Writing | Notes From Class
Breaking Taboos and Loving the Characters We Fear

“I turned to Toni Morrison and Jamaica Kincaid. Their work documenting sexuality, especially female sexuality, gave me permission to write my own.”

Jun 30, 2016
On Writing | Notes From Class
Reading for an Audience

“The closest my chosen literary life comes to the stage.”

Apr 13, 2016
On Writing | Notes From Class
On Serving Knausgaard Coffee and an Omelet

“It’s hard to say why this work means so much to me. You sense the cost of it. It is vulnerable. It feels necessary.”

Feb 11, 2016
Nonfiction | Notes From Class
Books I Read in 2015

A complete list of books I read this year, and some of my thoughts

Dec 27, 2015