The underrated Toronto Raptors had a 58-24 record during the 2018-2019 season and won the chip. They’re currently on track with a similar record. Did they have it in them the entire time?
You know it’s almost Thanksgiving when I open my desk drawer and blow the dust off my recipe file. My kids are grown, it’s just Michael and me, and who needs to cook for two. But this year, like every year, the whole extended family will congregate in my home, a gaggle of sons and […]
Strangers tend to divulge their stories to me. I started to notice this trend particularly when I rode the bus to college. During my twenty minute ride to the university, amidst the traffic on Hempstead Turnpike, fellow riders would open up to me about their life. Insecurities and all. And even now, I find that […]
“Similar to the way people giving up sugar, and cutting back on calories, drink gin or vodka and tonics.”
Somehow losing myself, fighting for solid ground against wells of grief and tears, forgetting my name, being caged and medicated, allowed me to find reality.
When James Brown offered me the job at the South Pole Research Station he told me about three things that I would find there: 1. The world’s greatest boss 2. A great love 3. The SKUA shack. The SKUA shack breaks up the ten to twenty-minute walk (depending on the wind strength and chill) from […]
I don’t swim to exercise. Rhythmic laps have never been my thing. Tonight, I swim because I’m restless, unsettled, and water helps to shift things back into place.