June cover of The New Yorker had a sketch illustration of a city street, crayon-like colored buildings, a few sidewalks, a bike delivery guy and a pedestrian, both wearing masks, silhouettes of people in windows during various activities, and it was all upside down. Even without flipping it around, it was clear what I was […]
If there’s one thing that all parents can relate to, it’s the feeling of dinnertime burnout. Coming up with a creative recipe that’s healthy and well-received by picky kids can be impossible. Restaurant closures due to COVID-19 have made this kitchen exhaustion even more common. For many parents, the saving grace for kitchen conundrums comes […]
“You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You’re the same decaying organic matter as everything else.”
A really good page is a page that reads as though it had always been written and it merely needed to be discovered
You are probably looking for the N95 rated respirator, but here is a primer in case you want options.
Easy, cheap, and it doesn’t talk… for better or worse.