Invisible Cities

People | Places | Invisible Cities
As If You and I Agree

It’s relieving when you find someone who feels the same way you do about Covid-19 risk and public safety. But what about those who disagree?

Nov 10, 2020
Places | Invisible Cities
Taking My First Step Toward a Stranger

If you’re lonely, you can spot another lonely person a mile off. The lonely can recognize kin.

Apr 29, 2019
Nonfiction | Invisible Cities
The Endearing, Rugged Charm of Leeds

“Ay up, love, y’a’right?” the taxi driver asked. “What? I’m sorry, excuse me?” “Oy, ay said, y’a’right?” he repeated. “Pardon? Oh…yeah…I’m fine.” Bit rude, I thought to myself. Did I look upset? “Ya know ‘aought about Leeds, love?” What in god’s name is this man talking about. I had to follow the “three times rule”, […]

Jun 15, 2018
Places | Invisible Cities
The Year of Mercy: Too Far Gone on the California Coast

Misfits, outliers, drifters have always lived by the sea and at the mercy of the elements.

Jun 5, 2018
Places | Invisible Cities
Theatre in the New Detroit

A burgeoning theatre scene exposes the possibilities and complications of the new Detroit.

Mar 15, 2018
Places | Invisible Cities
Ode to Aleppo

“All people are children of Syria. We are open here.”

Jan 12, 2017
Nonfiction | Invisible Cities
Never did I dream

…nor did I sleep, much.

Sep 4, 2016
Places | Invisible Cities
Love Your Crooked Neighbour / With Your Crooked Heart

How Flushing’s settlers planted seeds for our religious freedom.

Sep 1, 2016
Nonfiction | Invisible Cities
The Game of Kings

An investigation into the hidden world of park chess.

Aug 25, 2016
Places | Invisible Cities
Ghosts of Chile

“It was here I believed I would finally find Pablo Neruda.”

Jan 27, 2016