Where Are You From

Places | Where Are You From

Hospitality is supposed to be a Russian tradition, but finding food in stores is increasingly difficult. Any generosity is bound to erode from lack.

Jul 8, 2021
Places | Where Are You From
The King of Florida and Other Roadside Attractions

Like much of Florida, it appears both ridiculous and dangerous and gambling is involved. I think. I still don’t understand it.

Aug 13, 2019
Places | Where Are You From
How a Baseball Team Helped Me Make Peace with My Home State

People will tell you the Marlins suck, that no one likes the Marlins. “Marlins fans?” they’ll joke, because everyone knows that Marlins fans don’t exist. Except they do, we do.

May 15, 2019
Places | Where Are You From
Confronting the Violence of Gentrification in Your Hometown

Moving home to Newark has been a surreal experience because I have had to mourn places that once were, but are no longer.

Dec 4, 2018
Places | Where Are You From
How a Lost Church in Rajasthan Helped Me Find My Way Home

The magic of the Bandikui church is that it stays, rests, and remains, despite the world moving on and away from it.

Oct 24, 2018
Places | Where Are You From
My Life in Iran Under Sanctions

I’d get up at six a.m. every Saturday, to be at the drugstore by seven. There I could fill my father’s chemotherapy prescription.

Jul 31, 2018
Places | Where Are You From
Hawaiian Authors on the Island’s Literature

“I usually emphasize that I am a hapa author,” says Kahakauwila. “It’s a political move.”

Apr 18, 2018
Places | Where Are You From
Black & Midwestern: On the Mississippi and Sites of Memory

“The question of where you’re from is often met with eager anticipation to easily judge you.”

Mar 13, 2018
Places | Where Are You From
Fabric of Community, Gone Threadbare: A Tour of Ohio’s New Trump Country

My parents are from the Rust Belt, words supposed to encapsulate the decay, the abandoned workplaces.

Dec 6, 2017
Places | Where Are You From
Loving, Hating, Being From Texas

Expat Texans, Texan Democrats—all us Texan “others”—have a complicated relationship with our home state.

Sep 27, 2017