Where Are You From

Places | Where Are You From
White Mirror in Baltimore County

No one in my family knew Freddie Gray. Yet each of us drew a composite sketch of the dead man.

Aug 3, 2017
Places | Where Are You From
How to Write About Your Ancestral Village

You buy a one-way ticket to Beijing, and tell your mother you are traveling alone to figure out if China might be the answer.

Aug 1, 2017
Places | Where Are You From
Reconciling with Less Home: Between Haiti and Me

How did I come to the point of romanticizing a home I could not even identify?

Mar 15, 2017
Places | Where Are You From
Für Bess: On Neighbors, Music Parties, and Growing Up

“It was that closeness that led me to notice the gaps that separated us.”

Mar 6, 2017
Places | Where Are You From
How I Lost My Hometown

The day after the election, the last threads of attachment I felt to home frayed and finally broke.

Jan 23, 2017
Places | Where Are You From
Eminent Domain

“None of the things we thought were ours actually belonged to us.”