Dialek :: Dialect

Columns | Dialek :: Dialect
What Kind of Doctor Do I Want to Be?

We can resist the violences we know firsthand, to truly equate teaching and learning with openheartedness, with survival, even with nurture.

Sep 20, 2021
Columns | Dialek :: Dialect
May This Pandemic Help Us Abandon Ableist Language

Disability justices can be, and are, plural.

Nov 18, 2020
Columns | Dialek :: Dialect
Autocorrect Is Not Your Mother

Though tech assists so much of our daily communication, it’s not omniscient. Nor is it any kind of authority in our lives.

Mar 23, 2020
Columns | Dialek :: Dialect
The Case Against Italicizing “Foreign” Words

Italicization too often bolsters a sense of superiority when it comes to the unitalicized, reinforcing a thick patina of whiteness or other cultural dominance.

Feb 11, 2020
Columns | Dialek :: Dialect
The Grammar of Time Travel

There is a comfort in believing that all our ancestors’ understandings of time and space, however met with destruction, live on.

Jan 13, 2020
Columns | Dialek :: Dialect
Sans Surname

Linguistic diversity is under threat around the world. Each challenge to a patriarchal binary system marks a step away from extinction of this richness.

Dec 9, 2019