
Columns | Data
Can Desire or Love Be Predicted?

Data versus the real world: what compatibility algorithms can’t tell you.

Nov 15, 2017
Columns | Data
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Asexuality

“Though desire for sex is considered one of our four primal drives, I lack such a desire almost completely.”

Oct 12, 2017
Columns | Data
When Quitting Is the Harder, Better Choice

On learning to let “grit” go.

Sep 19, 2017
Columns | Data
Is It Possible to Truly Know Yourself? (Probably Not—and That’s Okay.)

There is opportunity in forcibly rewriting a story, in trying out identities that might not feel true at first.

Jul 18, 2017
Columns | Data
How an Abundance of Fitness Data Keeps Me From Obsessing Over a Single Number

It is the act of recording all this data that has helped me step away from identifying so strongly with it.

Jun 14, 2017
Columns | Data
Genetic Testing Can Tell You a Lot About Yourself—But What If You Don’t Want to Know?

I wanted the most information possible and thought I had nothing to fear. Then my mother began to lose her memory.

May 8, 2017
Columns | Data
How I Learned to Trust in Therapy—Even Without Homework

It was the form of therapy I feared that changed me for the better.

Apr 10, 2017
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Stay or Go? or, The Case Against Playing it Safe

My lesson should have been “choose risk”—change didn’t always mean closing a door.

Mar 7, 2017
Columns | Data
Why I No Longer Make Predictions

I believed I could be protected from what lay ahead as long as I saw what was coming.

Jan 3, 2017