Backyard Politics

Columns | Backyard Politics
How to Be a Husband

I was husbanding—providing for my household by physically taking care of my land and livestock. And they were providing for me.

Dec 14, 2020
Columns | Backyard Politics
How Do We Overcome Trauma?

I categorized the sexual assault under things that were my fault. “It was not that bad,” I told myself. “Others have been through worse.”

May 4, 2020
Columns | Backyard Politics
Sheltering in Place in My Backyard Garden

This period of social isolation is, I’ve told my child, an act of love for others. We are, whether we want to admit it or not, part of a herd.

Mar 26, 2020
Columns | Backyard Politics
When My Marriage Ended, I Learned to Relish the Space I Was Given

Being left behind is not a disadvantage. It is an opportunity to grow and an opportunity to live life on my own terms.

Nov 27, 2019
Columns | Backyard Politics
What I Learned from the Master Beekeeper

He prefaces all his beekeeping sessions with a proposal to examine hives without gloves. It teaches a beekeeper to be more gentle. It’s easier to be gentle without gloves.

Oct 29, 2019
Columns | Backyard Politics
Finding a Way Forward After Failure and Heartbreak, in Life and on the Farm

I was single for the first time in eighteen years. I felt unmoored. For the first time in eighteen years, everything was new, including me.

Jun 18, 2019
Columns | Backyard Politics
At My Urban Farm, I’m Growing My Family and Growing Our Sanctuary

By farming, I connect back to my own culture. To, pun intended, my roots. To what it means to be a child of immigrants and help things grow.

May 21, 2019
Columns | Backyard Politics
Learning How to Be Gentle in the Face of Trauma—Others’ and My Own

Bees do not attack—just as trauma survivors do not attack, but rather defend. She will not sting you unless she believes the colony’s life depends on her defense. Because when she stings you, she dies.

Apr 9, 2019
Columns | Backyard Politics
Turning Our Garden’s Bounty Into Community

Nature is never obedient. It rallies forward. This is the reality on a farm: The bounty comes all at once.

Mar 5, 2019