People | Places | Legacies

I Wanted to Know Why the Ocean Ate My Grandfather

As a child of many cultures, I wasn’t sure I could lay claim to one. But I learned that identity can grow and stretch, widen and encompass more than a single country or language.


The Scarlet Letter Huckleberry Finn


Come back, There’s still so much I wanted to ask you. So much I wanted to talk to you about.

Photograph courtesy of Theodora Sarah Abigail


“This is a family thing.”

“Wake up,” she nudged me. I gazed blearily at the clock. Still five in the morning.

Photograph courtesy of Theodora Sarah Abigail

How silly we must look


Can I allow myself to be guided by my elders in reliving these old traditions?

I want to say that I have always been Chinese-Indonesian, even if my own experience has looked markedly different from others’. I can discover this. I can discover this part of myself. I can wake this little girl up.

Photograph courtesy of Theodora Sarah Abigail